Local 803 Enhanced Steward Training

To All Local 803 Stewards & Local Executive Members

Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Local 803 Enhanced Steward Training
BCGEU Lower Mainland Area Office – Musqueam Room
Suite #130 – 2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver BC
Time: 9:30am to 4:30pm


As you know the role of a Steward in the workplace is an extremely important one, and we want to make sure that our Stewards are equipped with all the information they need to continue to assist members every day. That is why we are excited to provide a full day of education and networking with Stewards in our Local. Topics for the workshop include BCGEU Structure & Services, effective communication strategies, how to file a grievance, dealing with difficult situations and occupational health and safety.

To register, please call the Lower Mainland Area Office at 604-215-1499 or email [email protected]. Registration will close on Tuesday, October 18, 2016.

We look forward to seeing you there !!!

In solidarity

On behalf of
Masoud Aminzavvar, Local 803 Chairperson

Parking – Lower Mainland Area Office

We have a large underground parkade. If you enter the parkade off of Renfrew, you will be on P2. If you enter the parkade off of Hebb, you can drive straight up the ramp to P2. The Yellow Zone is the closest area to our office building (Note: the parkade services parking for many buildings). Park in any stall that is not "Reserved".
You will find the parking meter just outside the entrance to the elevators in the Yellow Zone. You will be asked "Do you have a Coupon?" – press "yes". Enter the coupon code: 4416. You will not be charged for parking if you use the coupon code. Select "OK" to print the receipt. Bring the receipt with you to your meeting.
Take the elevator to "G" level to find the BCGEU office.

When you sign in, please write your name, Local and the reason you are attending the office on the back of your receipt and deposit it in the receipt box.


Download PDF of notice here