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Members under the Public Service Main Agreement - Public Service Negotiations: Component bargaining begins next week - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Next week, your Public Service Bargaining Committee will begin negotiations with our employer – B.C.’s Public Service Agency (PSA) – for the 20th public service main and component collective agreements. The current collective agreements expire on March 31, 2025.

Under the Public Service Labour Relations Act, public service bargaining includes five component agreements which cover occupational specific issues that apply only to employees in a specific occupational group in the bargaining unit, as well as the main public service agreement which outlines the wages, terms and conditions of employment of all members covered under the main agreement.

You can learn more detailed information about the bargaining process here.

The agreed to bargaining schedule is:

Component bargaining will take place from Monday, January 13 to Friday, January 17.

Main table bargaining will take place beginning Wednesday, January 22 with dates currently scheduled through the end of February. 

Our committee has been hard at work since last fall preparing our union’s proposal package to bring to the bargaining table. The proposals have been developed based on a record number of submitted proposals from BCGEU public service locals, the membership bargaining survey, and a detailed membership poll conducted by one of B.C.’s most prominent pollsters, ResearchCo. Thanks to the many thousands of you that took the time to share your issues and ideas. The groundwork that has been laid so far puts us in a strong position to achieve meaningful gains for all of us.

We are determined to reach an agreement that respects the work of BCGEU members in the public service and that members are proud to ratify. Given the current economic situation, we expect it will take a difficult and prolonged round of bargaining to reach that goal.

The most powerful tool that we have as a bargaining committee is an organized membership ready to take action in support of our work at the bargaining table. Our union is recruiting worksite bargaining contacts to ensure members are up-to-date and there’s two-way communicationIf you’re interested in stepping up at your worksite, click here to learn more.

In solidarity,

Your BCGEU Public Service Bargaining Committee

Paul Finch, President and Committee Chair  
Maria Bennett, Treasurer  
Dean Purdy, Component 1 Vice-President 
Kusam Doal, Component 5 Vice-President 
Judy Fox-McGuire, Component 6 Vice-President 
Mona Dykes, Component 6 Second Representative 
DJ Pohl, Component 12 Vice-President 
Faith Johnston, Component 12 1st Vice-President 
Robert Davis, Component 20 Vice-President
Douglas W. Dykens, Executive Director – Advocacy, Negotiations, Member
Benefits and Secretary to the PSBC
Sumiko Marshall, Support Staff