Click here for info on Bargaining 2025


October 18, 2016

Oxfam Canada launches new campaign for gender equality

Oxfam Canada is launching a new campaign this week called Shortchanged.

The campaign’s goal is to shift the public debate on care responsibilities and build a movement of people who want to accelerate progress for women.

In particular, the campaign will help create awareness and mobilize Canadians around the issue of women’s inequality in work. 

In the coming months, Shortchanged will challenge Canada’s leadership to ensure women’s equality at work is front and centre when creating the federal budget along with policy decisions that will affect women in Canada and abroad.

Click here to learn more about the campaign. 

October 14, 2016

Occupational Health and Safety Committee Representatives in Area 07 - BC Fede...

The “Occupational Health” course will be offered at the Okanagan area office in Kelowna on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. This course will be delivered by a facilitator from the BC Federation of Labour Health and Safety Centre.

Health hazards are not as obvious and apparent as safety hazards in the workplace and as such often don’t receive proper attention and resources comparatively but their effects can be devastating.

Empowering workers, supervisors and managers to interpret reports, Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and research potential health hazards is a vital role and function of any proactive health and safety program.

Learn about new legislative changes to WHMIS through the introduction of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for chemicals and controlled products. These new requirements change the way that chemicals are labeled, stored and inventoried.

Learn about the best practices and industry standards concerning occupational hygiene monitoring. Who, what, where, when and how to sample exposures to workplace toxins is imperative knowledge for any workplace wanting to be in compliance with both Provincial and Federal legislation.

In this course participants will:

  • Learn about how our bodies are affected by workplace toxins and exposures e.g. Asbestos, Molds, Biological Hazards, Noise and Combustible Dust.
  • Learn about pending changes relating to the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and the new Globally Harmonized System (GHS).
  • Gain an understanding of the theory and practice of occupational hygiene monitoring and interpreting occupational hygiene reports, including TLV’s and TWA’s along with other important terms and reference

You are entitled to take at least 8 hours of annual health and safety training. Your employer must pay any reasonable costs in order for you to take this training, including your leave of absence from work. You must apply for this training through your employer and the cost of this training is $115 per person. Employer OHS representatives are invited to register but will only be accepted if there is space. The maximum registration is 24. A pre-requisite for this course is the BCGEU 1 day Basic OHS (Labour Code) or 2 Day Basic Government OHS training.

If you have already taken your 8 hours of annual training, the OHS department will consider sponsoring you to take this training. Please indicate your need for this sponsorship when you register through your area office. The area office will then confirm the funding with the OHS department.

Contact the Okanagan area office to 250-763-6405 to register.  Please provide your leave requirements and any dietary restrictions.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn about health hazards in the workplace. If you have any questions, please contact the Okanagan area office or email [email protected]

Download PDF of notice here.


October 07, 2016

BCGEU makes budget submission to Finance Committee

BCGEU president Stephanie Smith made a presentation to the B.C. Select Standing Committee on Finance and Governnment Services today, outlining the union’s priorities for the upcoming provincial budget.

Smith noted that it’s time to chart a different course in British Columbia and urged the government to take steps to accomplish three main objectives – quality jobs for all British Columbians; reliable, effective social supports for families and communities; and effective protection for our environment and natural resources.

To achieve those goals, Smith recommended a series of initiatives, including: implementing a comprehensive poverty reduction plan; making critical investments in BC’s justice system; Commiting resources for climate action and natural resource management; and restoring funding for post-secondary education, among others.

“The BCGEU continues to challenge the B.C. government to implement meaningful revenue improvements in key areas of the economy, to reduce poverty, improve public safety and expand responsible environmental stewardship in our province,” said Smith.

September 30, 2016

Watch: Stephanie Smith looks back on a busy week and speaks about the importa...

BCGEU president Stephanie Smith looks back on a busy week in Victoria that included worksite visits, a member BBQ and the Union of BC Municipalities convention. She also honours the work of Phyllis Webstad on Orange Shirt Day. Have a look:

September 20, 2016

Local 1708 SEM Members Bargaining Committee

To:     All BCGEU Local 1708 Members               
Re:    Bargaining Committee


Please be advised that the following BCGEU members have been elected to your Bargaining Committee:

                                Lindsey Hamilton
                                Julie Free
                                Melissa Vitaliano
                                Patricia Chambers (Alternate)


Thank you to all the members that put their names forward for a position on the committee.


Download PDF of notice here



September 16, 2016

Important information on registering for BCGEU-BCPSA OHS Safety Education Pro...

Important information on registering for BCGEU-BCPSA OHS Safety Education Program courses

The joint BCGEU-BC Public Service Agency Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Education Program is now 22 years old. Through this collaboration we are able to offer valuable training to our OHS committee worker representatives all across the province.

Members in the public service register for these courses through the Public Service Agency Learning Centre website. Space is limited for these courses and many courses have waiting lists.  However, we encourage you to register even when courses are full. This allows your union to gauge member interest for specific OHS training, which then allows us to create additional spaces in courses or add more courses to meet member demand.

Click here to learn more about BCGEU’s OHS services.




September 12, 2016

BC Makes Little Progress on Public Service Diversity Gap

Visible minorities and Indigenous people are still dramatically underrepresented in the B.C. public service, according to the province’s latest report on workforce diversity. Read more...

September 09, 2016

BC Federation of Labour Women's Health & Safety in the Workplace Course

To:       To all Occupational Health and Safety Committee Representatives in Area 03                and Local Chairs
Re:       BC Federation of Labour Women's Health & Safety in the Workplace


The “Women’s Health and Safety in the Workplace” course will be offered at the Lower Mainland area office at Suite #130 - 2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver on Wednesday October 19, 2016 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. This course will be delivered by a facilitator from the BC Federation of Labour Health and Safety Centre.

This course provides participants the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills to identify, assess and control workplace hazards from a woman's perspective.

It is geared to health and safety committee members and to all women who want to know more about how to make our workplaces and lives safer and healthier.

In this course participants will:

• Discuss how women’s health (including reproductive health) is affected by toxic workplace substances, work design & work organization.

• Learn about workplace stresses such as violence (including domestic violence), bullying and harassment. 

You are entitled to take at least 8 hours of annual health and safety training. Your employer must pay any reasonable costs in order for you to take this training, including your leave of absence from work. You must apply for this training through your employer and the cost of this training is $115 per person. Employer OHS representatives are invited to register but will only be accepted if there is space. The maximum registration is 24. A pre-requisite for this course is the BCGEU 1 day Basic OHS (Labour Code) or 2 Day Basic Government OHS training.

If you have already taken your 8 hours of annual training, the OHS department will consider sponsoring you to take this training. Please indicate your need for this sponsorship when you register. The area office will confirm the funding with the OHS department.

To register, please email [email protected] and provide your leave requirements (do you require BCGEU funding or will it be employer paid?) and any dietary restrictions.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn about the health and safety issues that affect women in the workplace - register today!

If you have any questions, please contact the Lower Mainland area office at 604-215-1499 or email [email protected]



Download PDF of notice here 

September 04, 2016

Celebrating Labour Day 2016

As long, sunny days shorten and cooler weather begins , Labour Day offers us time to reflect on the summer that is drawing to a close. For those of us in the labour movement it’s also a time to reflect on the state of working people in our union community.

Looking back on the last year, it’s amazing to see the progress BCGEU members have made since last year’s celebrations. 

We’ve grown tremendously. Over 1,800 workers voted to join our union, bringing our membership to over 70,000!

We’ve stood up for what we believe in. Members in highways, corrections, retail liquor stores, and home support have stood up and spoken to community members, media, and municipal councils about issues important to our communities and our jobs.

We’ve developed our skills in the workplace. New initiatives to allow stewards to better communicate with their co-workers, coupled with education fairs and enhanced steward trainings, have empowered more and more of you to step up and become leaders at work. 

Seeing our growth and speaking with so many of you in my travels makes me so excited for the future of our union. It’s inspiring to see the many ways in which you are stepping up at your workplaces and in your communities.

Labour Day isn’t just for celebrating our strength as a union, it’s also for celebrating the importance of the work that each and every BCGEU member does.

Your union represents workers in almost every sector you can imagine.  Today, let's all remember that your work is an important part B.C.’s economy and this is a day for you.

I hope that you have a chance to spend time with friends or family today and join BCGEU members across the province in recognizing the importance of our work striving for dignity and respect for all workers in B.C.

- Stephanie Smith, BCGEU president

Click here for a list of Labour Day events in British Columbia