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February 04, 2016

BCGEU celebrates the 20th anniversary of Black History Month in Canada

The BCGEU joins Canadians to celebrate Black History Month this February, which marks the event’s 20th anniversary. Our federal government officially recognized Black History Month after passing a parliamentary motion introduced by the Honourable Jean Augustine, the first black Canadian woman elected to Parliament. 

"This February, take some time to learn about black Canadians’ tremendous contributions to our country," says BCGEU President Stephanie Smith. "Black Canadians have too often been left out of our history, our society and our labour movement. Take a moment to reflect on black history in B.C. and join me in pledging to renew our strong commitment to universal human rights." 

"Our union is proud of, and celebrates the diversity of, our membership," says Smith. "Whether in our union or in our communities—it's important to understand and respect our histories and learn from one another's experiences."

Check out these links to Black History events and more information about black history in B.C. and Canada.  


Lower Mainland



Black History Month Resources:




February 03, 2016

Submission to the Special Committee to Review the Freedom of Information and ...

On January 27 our union presented a submission to the Special Committee to Review the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

The foundation of public trust in government is transparency, accountability, and a consistently demonstrated respect for the rights of individuals. FIPPA is designed to protect and uphold these values; yet, public practice in information management and the pace of change in communications technologies has put the effectiveness of the legislation under significant stress.

The BCGEU submission focusses on five areas of concern:

  • Duty to document
  • Coverage and access
  • Policy advice and recommendations
  • Wait times, delays and extensions
  • Protection of privacy and “data-linking”

Click here to read the submission. 

January 29, 2016

To all Direct Government OHS Committee Members in the Victoria Area

"Incident Investigations" will be held on Wednesday, March 2 and "Ergonomics" will be held on Thursday, March 3. The Incident Investigations course will be held at the BCGEU area office, 2994 Douglas St., Victoria and the Ergonomics course will be held at Harbour Towers, 345 Quebec St, Victoria.

In the Incident Investigations course you will learn:

  • The legislative requirements for conducting accident/incident investigations
  • How to get to the contributing factors by conducting effective witness interviews and examining physical evidence
  • How to assess the evidence in order to recommend effective corrective measures

In the Ergonomics course you will learn:

  • Requirements of the ergonomics regulation
  • How to identify ergonomic hazards, to assess the risk factors of tasks and to recommend appropriate solutions
  • Strategies for implementing an effective workplace ergonomics program
  • How to conduct a workstation assessment

These courses are limited to 22 seats so register early at to avoid disappointment.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your ability to advocate for workers' health and safety rights - register today.

Note: If you have not taken your annual education leave, as mandated by the Workers' Compensation Act and your Collective Agreement - apply for this employer paid leave through your employer.


January 29, 2016

Labour Code OHS Committee Members in the Langley Area

"Ergonomics" will be held on Tuesday, March 1 and "Incident Investigations" will be held on Thursday, March 3. These courses will be held at the BCGEU office at 8555 198A Street, Langley from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

In the Ergonomics you will learn:

  • Requirements of the ergonomics regulation
  • How to identify ergonomic hazards, to assess the risk factors of tasks and to recommend appropriate solutions
  • Strategies for implementing an effective workplace ergonomics program
  • How to conduct a workstation assessment
  • Additional information for health care, community social services and highway workers

In the Incident Investigations you will learn:

  • The legislative requirements for conducting accident/incident investigations
  • How to get to the contributing factors by conducting effective witness interviews and examining physical evidence
  • How to assess the evidence in order to recommend effective corrective measures

These courses are limited to 22 seats so register early at [email protected] to avoid disappointment.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your ability to advocate for workers' health and safety rights - register today.

Note: If you have not taken your annual education leave, as mandated by the Workers' Compensation Act and your Collective Agreement - apply for this employer paid leave through your employer.


January 28, 2016

National Survey on Seniors' Care - Work/Life Balance

The issue of elder care received next to no attention during the 2015 federal election. This is alarming as the fastest growing segment of the Canadian population is older Canadians (people 85 and older), most of whom are women. In 1900, the average life expectancy was 47 years of age; by 2000 that had increased to 76 years of age. The end result is the expansion of our population of older adults. This, coupled with the much lower birth rates means that there are fewer family caregivers to go around.

There is very little research on the effects of those combining paid work, child care and elder care. In response to this need, the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) has undertaken an extensive research project on the issue. Dr. Linda Duxbury is part of a team that is conducting a National Survey on Balancing Work, Family and Caregiving. Speaking at a recent meeting of NUPGE’s Advisory Committee on Women’s Issues (ACWI), she stressed that in Canada, 80 per cent of caregiving is done by family members. The current health policy is to return patients home as soon as possible. At the same time, services within communities are being reduced or completely eliminated. The resulting stresses for working caregivers are not being paid attention to by policy makers or employers.

The survey is targeted to individuals (male and female) who are providing ongoing care and assistance, without pay, to family members who need support due to physical, cognitive and/or mental problems related to aging. It is restricted to those caregivers that are employed. If you fit into this category, we encourage you to take the time and fill out the survey - results will be shared with NUPGE Components.

To read more information on the survey from NUPGE, click here.

To take the survey directly, click here.

January 28, 2016

BCGEU Signs on to Petition to Free Chinese Labour Activists

On Thursday, January 28, the BCGEU signed on to a petition calling for the release of Chinese labour activists who were detained by the government.

Advanced by the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions, the petition has now been signed by over 175 organizations.

Petition Text
At least four labour activists remain in criminal detention following a recent crackdown on labour organisations. From 3 - 5 December, labour NGOs based in Guangdong province were targeted in a harsh and unexpected wave of detentions. At least four labour NGOs have been targeted and 25 NGO staff and volunteers have been detained and questioned by police, seven of whom either remain in detention or cannot be contacted. These include Panyu Workers’ Centre director Zeng Feiyang and staff member Zhu Xiaomei; Foshan Nanfeiyan Social Work Services Organization director He Xiaobo; labour activists Peng Jiayong, Deng Xiaoming, Meng Han, and Tang Jian. Four individuals - Zeng Feiyang, He Xiaobo, Zhu Xiaomei and Deng Xiaoming - are confirmed as being in detention.

The Chinese government purports to advance the “rule of law” within its borders and promotes the idea of a civilized and peaceful rise internationally. However, local governments abuse their power, using violence and arrests to repress and intimidate labour organizations, preventing Chinese workers from pursuing fundamental labour rights, including freedom of association and the right to strike and collective bargaining.

As organisations and individuals working labour rights, we call on the Chinese government to:
  1. Immediately release all the aforementioned detained labour activists
  2. Stop suppressing labour activists, labour organisations and civil society organisations.
  3. Respect and protect the development and freedom of civil society as prescribed by China’s Constitution.
Initiated by
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
Globalization Monitor

January 28, 2016

Liberal government right to repeal anti-union Bill-377

The BCGEU is welcoming news the federal government has introduced legislation to reverse anti-union laws introduced by the Stephen Harper government last year. In the House of Commons today, the Liberals introduced legislation that would reverse changes to laws under Bill-377, which placed vastly expanded requirements on unions to disclose how members’ dues are spent.

“This legislation had nothing to do with financial transparency, and was designed to create an onerous regime that wasted union resources and significantly violated privacy legislation,” said BCGEU treasurer Paul Finch. “These Conservative laws were a clear attack on the rights of working people, and designed to make it more difficult for unions to organize workers and represent the members in their unions.”

Under Bill-377 unions are required to disclose any spending of $5,000 or more, in addition to other expenditures. The Canada Revenue Agency publicly posts the information on its website. Salaries, disability payments and medical expenses – along with names of individuals who received them - have the potential to be disclosed to the public. An infringement on privacy, it also provides detailed information on the activities of unions that could be used to the advantage of anti-labour groups or employers.

Bill-377 was opposed by unions from coast to coast, the Canadian Bar Association, and seven provincial governments.

“At the BCGEU, we pride ourselves on our financial transparency to members. We publish our audited financial statements every year in The Provincial magazine. As well, they are on our website,” said Finch. “It would be wrong and undemocratic if the unelected Conservative Senators used their majority to block passage of the legislation introduced today by the Liberals.”

Today’s legislation would also make changes to the Conservatives Bill-525 which made it more difficult for unions to organize in federally regulated workplaces.

For more information: Evan Stewart BCGEU Communications 604-291-9611.

January 25, 2016

BCGEU’s Occupational Health and Safety Networkers

The creation of the OHS Networking team comes from the BCGEU 2014 convention. Convention delegates were loud and clear with their OHS resolutions: they wanted an expansion in the OHS department. They wanted BCGEU OHS activists to play a larger role, and to see the creation of an OHS Task Force. The OHS Task Force, released their report in April of 2015, with strong and practical recommendations. The top three recommendations included changes to communications, committee appointments, and OHS education.

Sixteen trained OHS facilitators from across the province were appointed by the president. On January 20, they met at BCGEU headquarters to discuss their role, time frames, challenges and how best to approach the work in each area of the province.

This year our OHS networkers will be:

  1. Auditing OHS committees and assisting with the growth of these committees
  2. Working with locals on the OHS appointments 
  3. Scheduling OHS courses in consultation with the OHS department and contacting members to increase participation
  4. Using data analysis and networking to Identify non-compliant employers and  ensure there are OHS committees  or worker representatives in place 
  5. Acting as a resource to OHS committees, components, locals and area offices

If you require the assistance of an OHS network member in your area, please contact your area office or the BCGEU Occupational Health and Safety Department for more information. The OHS department can be contacted at [email protected]  or by phone at 604-291-9611 or 1-800-663-1674.


January 22, 2016

UNITE HERE! Local 40 Hilton Metrotown and Coast Hotels Bargaining Update

A message from Unite Here! Local 40

Thanks to all of you from BCFED Staff, CUPE, FPSE, GEU, HEU, HSA, MoveUp, TWU/SWA and Unifor who came out to support our members at the Hilton Metrotown on January 20. Management took notice of your support.

Many of you have asked for updates on the status of bargaining at both the Hilton and with Coast Hotels in Kelowna, Victoria, Nanaimo and Prince George. At the Hilton Metrotown, bargaining is currently at a cross roads. Management is struggling with economics while demanding concessions to increase the workload of Room Attendants. Negotiations are scheduled for next Friday, January 29th. At the Coast Capri, Harbourside, Bastion and Inn of the North, we have overcome demands for minimum wage for new tipped workers and a separate & inferior economic package for workers in Kelowna, but we are still dealing with the lack of retroactivity and demands to reduce hours of work, lower new hire rates and increasing workload for Room Attendants. Bargaining is scheduled for next Thursday, January 28th.

You can help by sending letters to management, and expressing your support for the staff and your concerns as customers of the Hilton and these Coast Hotels. We want to increase the pressure to settle these contracts now. We are not asking anyone to pull business from any of these hotels at this time.

Hilton Metrotown Letters
Ed Jaskula, General Manager Hilton Metrotown, 6083 McKay Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5H 2W7 [email protected] Fax: 604-438-1271

Coast Hotels Letters
Jim Douglas, Regional General Manager Coast Harbourside, 146 Kingston Street, Victoria, BC V8Y 1V4   [email protected] Fax: 250-360-1418

Please cc: Robert Demand, President, UNITE HERE! Local 40: 100-4180 Lougheed Hwy, Burnaby, BC V5C 6A7   [email protected]

Thank you for your ongoing support and we will keep all of you updated on our efforts to resolve these negotiations. Click here for Unite Here! Local 40's website.