There are vacancies for the following positions on the Local 1703 Executive:
- Recording Secretary
- Member-at-Large – Young Worker (29 years of age or younger)
The term is up to three years.
Recording Secretary
- assists Local chairperson with responsibilities
- with the chair, sets meeting dates and develops agendas
- is responsible for all meeting notices and minutes
- reports all correspondence at Local meetings and maintains files
- receives written reports of committees
Member-at-Large – Young Worker
- liaises with other young workers in the Local and brings their concerns/issues to the Local
- assists the Local executive in identifying and mentoring young workers who could be recruited as stewards, OSH committee members, or participants in campaigns
- identifies and promotes activities and education useful for young workers
The BCGEU Nomination Form (FA-80) (attached below) must be used. The form may be submitted to the Lower Mainland Area Office by fax, email, mail or handed in personally.
During the three year term, if a member in good standing submits a nomination for a vacant position, the Local Executive will be notified and nominations will remain open for a further three days. Where no nomination is received for an office, nominations will be considered to remain open.
If there is an election for a position, candidates may submit one page of information (8-1/2 x 11, black and white) for distribution to members with ballots. This must be received within one business day of the close of nominations.
Download PDF of Recording Secretary nomination form here.
Download PDF of Member-at-large Young Worker nomination form here.
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