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Potential Changes to the Care Aide Registry

To: All Members of Component 4 and Component 8
Re: Changes to the Care Aide Registry
The provincial government has announced its intentions to make changes to the Care Aide Registry, and is inviting the public to have input. The Policy Intention Document and link to a public survey can be found here:
Your BCGEU Component 4 and Component 8 Vice Presidents have deep concerns about this new body and the process leading up to its creation. We are currently reviewing the paper in detail and are preparing our response. We are working with other unions in the sector to provide a unified response to the Ministry. 
We will ensure that members are informed about key points in the BCGEU's position, and that you are given the tools you need to provide feedback to the government if you so choose. Please take a moment to read the Intention Paper, and watch for updates on further steps.

