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Rest in Peace Robert Keddie - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

It's with great sadness that we announce the passing of former cross component treasurer and long time Local 311 executive Robert Keddie on April 1. 

Keddie was very active in the B.C. labour movement and his connection with the BCGEU goes back decades. He was a member of local 203 and served on the Component 2 executive. Later, he served as the chair of 311 and on Component 3's executive as the second vice chair. 

Keddie was also active as a steward, OHS representative, delegate to the BCGEU's 2014 triennial convention and long serving delegate to the North Central Labour Council.

He retired in December 2021 after many years working as a residential care worker with AIMHI in Prince George.

Component 3 vice president Andrea Duncan knew Keddie for many years: 

"Rob was a friend to everyone. He was gentle but would sure call you out if you did something he didn't agree with. He was a strong mentor to anyone that encountered him and really took the time to support you. Whether that was through his workplace, union activism or as a friend. He had a way of bringing people together. Rob was a salt of the earth kind of guy and we will miss him tremendously."