The BCGEU has recently received reports suggesting that both the LDB and the Ministry of Attorney General have stated that the new positions that will be created, following the Government's announcements that the LDB will be the distributor and the public retailer of cannabis, may not be union.

Definition (2) of the Public Service Collective Agreement clearly defines who is covered by the existing Agreement between the Parties: 

(2) "bargaining unit" – is the unit for collective bargaining described in Section 4(c) of the Public Service Labour Relations Act for which the B.C. Government Employees' Union was certified by the Labour Relations Board of British Columbia on March 8, 1974, and includes all the employees in the ministries, boards, and agencies of the Government of British Columbia as outlined in Appendix 1 – Ministries, Boards and Agencies. 

It is the union's position that any employees of the LDB who are engaged in the sale or distribution of any product are members of the BCGEU and covered by the existing Collective Agreement. The language of the Agreement is clear in this respect. 

The BCGEU has contacted the Public Service Agency (PSA) to ensure that there is no dispute about the application of Definition (2) to these groups of employees. We have received confirmation from the PSA, and indirectly from the LDB, that there is no dispute. 

The BCGEU is also following up with the Attorney General's office to ensure they are aware that the status of LDB employees working with cannabis is not unknown, but is, in fact, governed by our Collective Agreement. 

The BCGEU will continue to monitor this situation and will provide updates as needed.



Download FYI-Def2Cannabis.pdf