Click here for info on Bargaining 2025

Salvation Army - Harbour Light ARC - Shelter workers, have your say in bargaining! - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

In this round of negotiations, our Bargaining Committee wants to ensure they are representing members in all departments. They've asked us to meet with shelter workers to find out what you want them to focus on at the table with our employer. Other departments are having similar meetings to bring their issues forward.
Members of your Contract Action Team will be holding four zoom meetings to get input from shelter workers so we can discuss our priorities as a department.
We'll compile what we hear and present a clear list of issues to the Bargaining Committee. 
Here are the details and links the zoom meetings:
Friday, July 21 from 8pm – 9pm
Thursday, July 27 from 8pm – 9pm
Thursday, August 3 from 9am – 10am
Tuesday, August 8 from 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
These meetings are for shelter workers only. Other departments are having their own meetings.
This is one of our only chances to have input before the Bargaining Committee puts their proposals together and presents them to the employer. Once the proposals are presented to the employer, they can't add anything new.
You can attend as many of the meetings as you like, but please try to make it to at least one to have your voice heard.
Hope to see you there!
In solidarity,
Adam Thomas
Greg Cumby
Wyntor Guimond
Emma Boggan