The stewards at The Salvation Army are:
Allan Fine
Adithya Maprakavil
Lenn Fisher
Cameka Edwards
Kadesha Francis
Stewards are representatives of our union at the worksite, and will help you and your coworkers solve problems at your workplace. They will receive ongoing training from the BCGEU to ensure they can advise and represent you when you are facing challenges with your employer.
If you are required to attend a meeting with your employer that may be disciplinary, make sure to ask a steward to attend with you. You have a right to choose which steward you would like to represent you and your employer is required to inform you if the meeting may be disciplinary.
One tool for solving conflicts at work is to file a grievance. This is a way of acknowledging an
existing conflict at the workplace, and committing to solving it through an impartial third-party process. If you need to file a grievance, a steward can advise you on whether you have grounds to file, and will help you fill out the paperwork.
If many of you are experiencing the same problem at the workplace, stewards can help come up with a plan to solve it together.
For steward contact information please contact the area office.
Congratulations to all your new stewards!
In solidarity,
Melody Carleton, Local 0310 Chair
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