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Ministry of Water, Land and Natural  Resource Stewardship, Ministry of Forests & Ministry of  Environment & Climate Change located at #200 10428 153rd St, Surrey- Steward nominations

Nominations are now open for three (3) steward positions at FrontCounter BC Surrey LWRS, Surrey Client Services Centre and Natural Resource FrontCounter located on #200 10428 153rd Street, Surrey.

New stewards are trained by the Union. If you wish to know more about the roles and responsibilities of stewards, please contact our office.

The deadline for nominations is 5:00 pm, Wednesday, May 24, 2023.

The nomination form (attached) must be used. The deadline for submission to the area office by fax (604.882.5032), email ([email protected]), or mail to the Fraser Valley Area Office at 8555 198A Street, Langley, V2Y 0A9 is no later than Wednesday, May 24th at 5:00 pm. 

If more than three people are nominated for the steward positions, an election will occur. Candidates may submit one page of information (8 ½ x 11, black and white) for distribution to members with ballots. This must be received at the area office within one business day of the close of nominations.

Rob Davis Chad Blackey
Local 2004 Chair Staff Representative

DJ Pohl Keving Hagglund
Local 1204 Chair Staff Representative

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Download PDF of nomination form