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Strike Vote for Members at The Salvation Army Harbour Light Arc

To:      All BCGEU Members at The Salvation Army Harbour Light Arc
Re:      Strike Vote


The Employer and Union bargaining committees met to continue negotiations on March 2 and 3, and have reached impasse at the bargaining table. While the parties were able to agree to a number of housekeeping and language items, we were not able to agree on monetary items. Since the parties cannot reach agreement on their own, the Union now needs a strong strike mandate to seek assistance from a mediator.

Once we receive a strong strike mandate, the Union will apply for mediation with the BC Labour Board, who will assign a mediator to our dispute. The mediator will work with both the Union and the Employer to reach a tentative agreement.

The reason the Union needs a strong strike mandate is to confirm your support of the bargaining committee to go to mediation to reach a settlement on your renewal agreement.

The bargaining committee strongly recommends that you vote yes to strike, in order for us to go to mediation.

Strike votes will be held at two different times on:

Friday, March 24, 2017
Waves Coffee House at 305 Main Street
7 am to 9 am
3 pm to 5 pm

These two times are for drop-in. You only need to come to vote once. We will provide details when you come to vote.

Thank you for your continued patience and support.


In solidarity,

Your bargaining committee:

James Gareau
Monty Qureshi
Billy Smith
Selena Kongpreecha, Staff Representative ? Negotiations 


Download PDF of notice here



Local 467/MoveUP