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Tell Us About Your Bad Job

Tell Us About Your Bad Job


Unpaid wages?
Unpaid overtime?
Employer taking your tips?
Unfair firings?

Unfair treatment of workers is all too common in British Columbia.

Few people know their rights, and getting justice from a bad boss can be nearly impossible.

The BC Employment Standards Coalition is campaigning for better employment laws and stronger enforcement for all workers.

Tell your story.
Join us to share your story. You can tell us about a current problem or even something that happened within the past 10 years.

You can also learn about your workplace rights under the Employment Standards Act and other BC laws. If your case involves a legal violation, we will offer advice and can help you to start a complaint.

Interviews will be done by experienced advocates. You can choose to tell us your name and the name of the employer, or choose to be anonymous.




Can’t make it? Questions? Contact:
Murray Gore 604-671-9141 • David Fairey 604-430-6036 • Joey Hartman 604-254-0703


Please share this information with co-workers, friends, family and organizations