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Tentative Agreement Reached ? Ratification Meeting and Vote for members at Craigdarroch Care Home

To:     All BCGEU Members at Craigdarroch Care Home
Re:     Tentative Agreement Reached ? Ratification Meeting and Vote


We are pleased to inform you that your Bargaining Committee reached a tentative first Collective Agreement with your employer on the evening of March 20, 2017, and unanimously recommends acceptance of the tentative Agreement.

The BCGEU offers our sincere appreciation for the tireless efforts of your Bargaining Committee.

We are in the process of finalizing the tentative Collective Agreement, and will have a draft available for you to review at a drop-in ratification meeting and vote:


DATE:            MONDAY, APRIL 3, 2017
                      2994 DOUGLAS ST. VICTORIA
TIME:             8:30 AM TO 5:00 PM (DROP-IN)


Your Bargaining Committee will be on hand to give you all of the details of  the provisions of the Collective Agreement and to answer any of your questions, so you can make an informed decision when you cast your ballot. Balloting will close at 5:00 pm April 3rd.

Please make every effort to drop in, familiarize yourself with the tentative first Collective Agreement, and cast your vote!  



In solidarity

Bargaining Committee: Corinna Hutcheson, Tammy Mason
Jenny Ewing, BCGEU Staff Representative


Download PDF of notice here 


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