Update – Recognition of prior vacation year upon re-employment

Following negotiations between the BCGEU and the BC Public Service Agency, we are happy to report that an agreement has been reached on the application of the Memorandum of Agreement – Recognition of Prior Vacation Year Upon Re-Employment.

In the future the MOA will be applied in all cases where a qualified former regular employee initially re-employed as an auxiliary employee subsequently attains regular status.

For the 2015 vacation year, the MOA will be applied to current regular employees identified who were initially re-employed as auxiliary employees, subsequently attained regular status and did not receive benefit of the MOA. There is no retroactive application prior to the 2015 vacation year.

In addition to having the vacation year attained prior to termination recognized, the vacation year(s) earned since becoming a regular would also be recognized. For example, the employee would be credited with their vacation year attained prior to resignation as a regular employee (e.g. year 20) and also vacation attained in their current re-employment period as a regular (e.g. year 2) to arrive at the amended vacation year (e.g. year 22). Where an employee initially re-employed as an auxiliary attained eligibility for vacation pursuant to Clause 31.11(d) prior to becoming regular, this time will also be included when determining the vacation year attained.

The Public Service Agency advises it is currently working to identify all current employees who will be affected and expects to have the review completed by the end of March.

If you have any questions concerning this MOA contact your closest BCGEU area office.

Click here to read the MOA.