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Victoria Cool Aid Society (Maintenance Team Members) - Your Collective Agreement Rights - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Now that you are members of the BCGEU, you will be covered by the Community Social Services Sectoral Collective Agreement. The non-monetary parts of the agreement are in effect at your workplace as of August 27, 2024.
The monetary parts of your new collective agreement will take effect on October 27, 2024.
Your collective agreement spells out your legal rights at work. Your agreement is a sectoral agreement negotiated between workers in community social services represented by an association of unions (CSSBA) and an association of your employers. We negotiate with the collective power of 16,000 community social service workers to achieve higher wages, benefits and better working conditions than a small workplace could get on their own. Our strength is in numbers.
Here are some of the rights you have now under your collective agreement:

  • The employer will need to provide just cause to suspend or dismiss and a union member & the burden of proof is on the employer for disciplinary action
  • The right to have steward in any meeting that could lead to discipline and assistance in making sure the rules are followed
  • The right to be booked off for union training
  • No contracting out that will result in employee layoffs
  • Transparent job postings
  • A copy of your job description
  • Regular Labour Management meetings to deal with issues as they arise
  • Seniority rights

You can read your collective agreement here. Talk to stewards at your workplace to learn more about your agreement and how it applies to you and your coworkers.
In solidarity,
Kathleen Mann, BCGEU Staff Representative and your VCAS Stewards:
Kate Banky, Local 301 Chair and Steward
Matthew Busby O’Connor, Steward
Brian Calderwood, Local 301 First Vice Chairperson and Steward
Luis DeSousa, Steward
Jaime Eaglestick, Steward
Lucas Hayes, Steward
Peter Janz, Local 301 Recording Secretary and Steward
Rebecca McEwan, Steward
Rhett Palas, Steward
Kenon Sugie, Steward
Marina Bazalitskaya, Steward
P.S. Stay up to date on union news by signing into BCGEU’s Member Portal. Access it with your login at or, if you haven’t logged in before, you can sign up for an account here:

Download PDF of notice here