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Workers covered by the Public Service Main Agreement - Your next collective agreement is now being negotiated - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Public service bargaining kicked off yesterday in Victoria, where our union met with your employer – B.C.’s Public Service Agency (PSA) – to exchange bargaining proposals. This round of bargaining is aimed at reaching a new collective agreement for you and more than 34,000 other public service workers employed in every community across the province. Our current collective agreement is set to expire March 31, 2025. 

When the two parties first met at the bargaining table, Paul Finch, BCGEU president and chair of the BCGEU Public Service Bargaining committee, delivered opening remarks: 

“We understand the affordability crisis our members are in, and that there are chronic recruitment and retention issues. I don't need to tell anyone here about how the ongoing recruitment and retention crisis with sheriffs and court workers has hurt the administration of justice. I could go on, there's a lot of other important and noteworthy groups that have been impacted by this.” 

In his opening statements, Finch outlined the key priorities of the union in this round of bargaining: compensation that reflects the needs of a membership impacted by the affordability crisis; reasonable benefit improvements; removing the job classification system and securing all existing market adjustments and bonuses into base pay; and a rapid grievance tribunal system to ensure quick resolutions to minor disputes in contract administration. 

This week, the employer and our union are sharing our respective language proposals with each other, while all proposals of a monetary nature will be exchanged later in the bargaining process. 

In the coming days the two sides will exchange initial responses to each other’s proposals. Main table negotiations are currently scheduled through the end of February, so be sure to keep an eye on your inbox as you can expect to receive regular bargaining updates throughout negotiations.   

In the News:

In solidarity,   

Your Public Service Bargaining Committee  

Paul Finch, President and Committee Chair   
Maria Bennett, Treasurer   
Dean Purdy, Component 1 Vice-President  
Kusam Doal, Component 5 Vice-President  
Judy Fox-McGuire, Component 6 Vice-President  
Mona Dykes, Component 6 Second Representative  
DJ Pohl, Component 12 Vice-President  
Faith Johnston, Component 12 1st Vice-President  
Robert Davis, Component 20 Vice-President 
Douglas W. Dykens, Executive Director – Advocacy, Negotiations, Member 
Benefits and secretary to the PSBC 
Larisa Mills, Staff Representative 
Sumiko Marshall, Support Staff