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All BCGEU Members at ISM Canada - Tentative Agreement Reached! - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

We are pleased to advise that a tentative agreement has been reached between the BCGEU and ISM Canada.

A copy of the Ratification Document is being prepared and will be sent to members on February 16.

An information meeting will be held at online on February 21, 2024, starting at 5:00 p.m., to discuss and review the settlement agreement we have negotiated with the employer on your behalf.

At this meeting, we will provide an overview of the negotiations, highlight key improvements we’ve achieved with this agreement, and answer any questions you may have.

Ratification Voting
The BCGEU will conduct the ratification vote electronically. Following the information meeting, you will receive an email with a link to vote online and your unique voting credentials. Please participate and vote. This will be the only method for casting your ballot. If you know of another member that doesn’t receive credentials to vote because we do not have their email address, please tell them to contact [email protected].

Deadline to cast your vote will be February 23 at 4:00 p.m.

Your Bargaining Committee is recommending acceptance of this tentative agreement.
To help ensure you receive a copy of future updates, please provide a personal email address to the BCGEU at If we already have an email address on file for you and you wish to edit or update any of your existing contact information, you can use the same form.

In solidarity,

Sterling Haugen, Bargaining Committee Member
Charline Lachance, Bargaining Committee Member
Falon Renshaw, Bargaining Committee Member
Angela Mahlmann, Staff Representative, Negotiations

Download PDF of notice here