As you are likely aware, on May 11, 2023 the BCGEU was certified as your bargaining agent to represent you in all matters related to your terms and conditions of employment. We now need to start preparing to negotiate your first collective agreement. Although we are excited to begin, we were delayed by your Employer's refusal to comply with its legal requirements to provide contact information to the Union.
One of the first actions that occurs is the election of a bargaining committee. Members elect a bargaining committee to work with the Union staff representative and other elected leaders to help ensure their voices are heard and interests are protected and advanced through the bargaining process. The primary duties and responsibilities of a bargaining committee is to prepare for and conduct negotiations, with the Employer, to obtain a collective agreement.
To issue a call for nominations we require the contact details for bargaining unit employees. Unfortunately, your Employer refused to provide that list which led to the Union serving notice that it would be taking legal action if the list was not provided by the end of the day July 18. I am very pleased to advise that the Employer produced the contact information. We are now updating our records to allow us to issue a call for nominations to the bargaining committee. We hope to do so next week. Please watch your inboxes.
If you know a BCGEU member who didn't receive this bulletin, please forward it to them. If you are a BCGEU member who didn't receive the bulletin directly, please update your email address by logging into the Member Portal here. If you are unable to access the Member Portal it may be because we don't have a signed membership card on file. The card can be completed at this link here.
In Solidarity,
Zoe Towle, Staff Representative Negotiations
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