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April 1, 2023 general wage increase for BCGEU public service members will be 6.75% - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Our current collective agreement – ratified in October 2022 – includes wage protections that adjust our year two general wage increase according to the impact of inflation in the previous 12 months.
Today, the inflation figures for February 2023 were released:
Based on the B.C. Consumer Price Index (CPI) 12 month average increase, members will receive the full 6.75% wage increase as the second-year general wage increase under the Public Service Main Agreement.
According to the collective agreement, this increase will take effect from the first full pay period after April 1, 2023. Based on discussions with the Public Service Agency, we expect members will see this increase reflected on their paystubs before the end of April, although the exact date may vary by ministry/department.
The general wage increases for each year of the agreement are as follows: 

  1. Year 1 – Effective the first full pay period after April 1, 2022 increase all rates of pay by 25 cents per hour and then increase all rates of pay by 3.24%. 
  2. Year 2 – Effective the first full pay period after April 1, 2023 increase rates of pay by the annualized average of BC CPI to a minimum of 5.5% and a maximum of 6.75%. 
  3. Year 3 - Effective the first full pay period after April 1, 2024 increase rates of pay by the annualized average of BC CPI to a minimum of 2% and a maximum of 3%.

There are also a number of other terms in our collective agreement that take effect on April 1, 2023. To learn about those terms and see how your wages will increase, please visit our ratification page.
In solidarity, 

Your Public Service Bargaining Committee

Stephanie Smith, President and Committee Chair
Paul Finch, Treasurer
Judy Phipps, Executive Vice President
Dean Purdy, Vice President - Component 1
Kusam Doal, Vice President - Component 5
Judy Fox-McGuire, Vice President - Component 6
Kayla Woodruff, First Vice President - Component 6
Maria Middlemiss, Vice President - Component 12
DJ Pohl, First Vice President - Component 12
Robert Davis, Vice President - Component 20
Michael Eso, Secretary and Lead Negotiator
Lisa Lane, Support Staff