What are Article 29 Committees?
Article 29 Committees are a place for our union and management to meet and discuss workplace issues on a regular basis. There is one for each ministry and they are established under your collective agreement.
Known informally as "labour-management committees", Article 29 committees are important because they facilitate relationship-building during the term of your collective agreement. Through regular dialogue and collaborative problem-solving, the committees work toward cooperative resolution of workplace issues.
Who is part of my Article 29 committee?
On the union side, the committee is made up of workers – usually union stewards or activists who represent different groups within the ministry – and a union staff person to assist the committee. The ministry is normally represented by senior representatives of the ministry's operations.
What issues do Article 29 committees cover?
The committees review non-bargaining matters other than grievances, such as workplace issues, misunderstandings, or impacts of changes in the ministry. The committees then make recommendations to the union and employer. Article 29 committees are also important because both our union and your employer work together to proactively address workplace matters and issues as they arise.
How can I see what my Article 29 committee has been working on?
Article 29 minutes from all ministries can be accessed through the Member Portal.
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