BCGEU celebrates announcement to bring home support workers under government employment.

The Fraser Health, Vancouver Coastal Health and Vancouver Island Health authorities have announced they will bring home support services in-house. The BC Government & Service Employees' Union (BCGEU) has been lobbying to bring home care support workers under government employment for over two decades and enthusiastically welcomes a change that will provide greater security to workers, and better care to B.C. seniors.

"Today's news is a real victory for home support workers and the B.C. seniors who rely on their care," says BCGEU president Stephanie Smith. "Bringing these workers into the health authorities will finally address the precarious nature of contract-based work with private providers and will enable more of a team-based multi-disciplinary approach to providing care at home."

Home support workers will be transitioned to the health authorities over the next 12-18 months with no loss in wages, benefits or pension plans. The health authorities are also committed to the continuity of care for clients while recognizing and retaining the knowledge and experience of all home support staff.

"Our union looks forward to engaging with the health authorities to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible and works in a way that supports both workers and clients," says vice president of BCGEU's community health services component Scott De Long. "This is what a government that works for people looks like and we congratulate the BC NDP on this achievement."

The BCGEU represents approximately 4,800 home support workers across the province.