BCGEU to host public meeting on housing affordability crisis - BCGEU

VANCOUVER – A five-person panel will discuss Greater Vancouver's housing crisis and hear stories and ideas for solutions from the public. 

The panel includes: 

Adriane Carr – Vancouver City Council MemberTesicca Truong – Generation Squeeze
Harpinder Sandhu – Co-author of the report Building an Affordable B.C.; CUPE 1767 member
Kari Michaels – BCGEU Executive Vice President
Paul Finch – BCGEU Treasurer and co-author of the report Building an Affordable B.C. 

The BCGEU will also present recommendations from the report Building an Affordable B.C. (, co-authored by CUPE 1767 President Jared Melvin and Vice President Harpinder Sandhu, including how the provincial government can strengthen its 30-point housing plan to address the root of the crisis: speculation on the part of financial institutions and wealthy investors in the housing market.


WHAT: BCGEU to host public meeting on housing affordability crisis

WHEN: Monday, February 26, 2018

TIME: 6:30 pm start (doors open at 6:15 pm)

WHERE: Vancouver Public Library, Peter Kaye Room - 350 West Georgia Street (at Hamilton)

Read our recent media release: Government must take bolder action on speculation tax