Component 1: MOA brings changes for part-time and auxiliary workers - BCGEU

Acknowledging problems surrounding recruitment and retention of staff, Adult Custody Division entered into discussions with the BCGEU to address our members' concerns regarding access to regular status.
A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed today and will take effect on May 1, 2007.

This is an important step towards addressing some of the concerns of:
• employees on eligibility lists
• existing part-time regular employees
• auxiliary employees

The MOA will move all members who are currently on eligibility lists, are part-time regulars or auxiliaries with benefits to regular full-time status. Their regular seniority date will be the date they qualified for benefits.

All auxiliaries with fewer than 1827 hours will become regular part-time employees. They will be guaranteed 35 hours bi-weekly but may be scheduled for extra hours, up to full-time, off the auxiliary call board. There are about 150 members in this category. Their regular seniority dates will start at May 1, 2007 for the senior person in each Centre. The next junior person will be a day later. For example, if there are 5 in one Centre their dates would be May 1, May 2, May 3, etc.

Future full-time vacancies will be filled in 2 ways. The first vacancy will be filled by appointing the senior part-time regular in that institution. The next vacancy will be filled through a competition. This process will continue on a 1 to 1 ratio.

All new staff will be hired through competition into either a regular part-time or regular full-time position. New part-time regulars will only become full-time regulars if they are successful in a subsequent competition or they are the senior part-time regular when a regular full-time position becomes available, if the previous one was filled by competition.

The Adult Custody Division has told us they will continue to use auxiliaries for vacation relief, etc but it is their intention to address both their recruitment and retention issues by offering regular status with all the applicable benefits.

In Solidarity,
Dean Purdy, Component Chair
Jaynie Clark, BCGEU Director

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