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C4 - Lifelabs members - We Start Bargaining Tomorrow! - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

As we prepare to start bargaining tomorrow, our committee wants to thank you for getting us off to a great start by filling out our recent survey. A ton of you responded to let us know your priorities for this round so thank you – we couldn't do this work without your participation! 

After kicking things off tomorrow (March 14) this first session will continue through next week. We'll work our way through non-monetary items first before tabling our monetary proposals. As you said, wages and benefits are your top priority, so this is our main focus, but we'll also be discussing the need for important language changes to fix some of the problems we've been dealing with over the term of this agreement, OHS language, hours of work, seniority & scheduling. 

Stay tuned for an update at the end of next week. And as always, if a member at your worksite didn't receive this email, please encourage them to go to the BCGEU member portal at to sign up for an account and update their contact information.

In solidarity, 

Your LifeLabs Bargaining Committee 

Mandy DeFields, Bargaining Committee Chairperson 
Kelly Jeffs, Bargaining Committee member 
Maryam Baghalha, Bargaining Committee member 
Tony Ly, Bargaining Committee member 
Rosario Viray, Bargaining Committee member 
Wendy Cummer, Bargaining Committee member 
Linsay Buss, Staff Representative - Negotiations