Community health bargaining will resume next week, starting on Monday, April 11th. Your bargaining committee will be focused on portability of seniority, overtime by seniority, workload and making sure wages keep up with inflation.
A number of members have contacted us with questions about what will come next, and how the bargaining process works overall.
To address these questions, your bargaining committee has produced a short video explaining each step of the bargaining process. Click here to watch the community health bargaining video.
The video features members of your bargaining committee and is indexed by topic, so that each link that goes directly to the start of each individual topic:
- 0:31 - Determining Bargaining Priorities
- 2:45 - At the Bargaining Table
- 4:35 - Reaching Impasse: Escalation and Job Action
- 7:18 - Voting on a tentative agreement
- 8:22 - A Deal is Reached
In solidarity,
Your Community Bargaining Association
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