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Component 8 Pensions - BCGEU

As a member of BC's Municipal Pension Plan, you are eligible for a lifetime monthly pension when you retire. If you are new to the pension plan, returning from parental leave, changing jobs or preparing to retire, you may have questions about what this means for your future.

There are a few upcoming free learning opportunities for you to get answers to your pension questions, including the online Getting to Know Your Pension as well as the workshops Making the Most of Your Pension and Approaching Retirement.

New and potential members
Getting to Know Your Pension is a 15-minute online learning that will introduce you to the value and benefits of plan membership.

Follow this link to complete the online learning Getting to Know Your Pension

Members wondering how important events in their life can affect their future pension
Making the Most of Your Pension is a two–hour workshop that can help you maximize your pension by understanding how the decisions you make throughout your career affect your pension when you retire.

Follow this link to register for Making the Most of Your Pension

Members approaching retirement

Approaching Retirement is a two–hour workshop designed to help you understand the important decisions you need to make about your pension and make the transition easier.

Follow this link to register for Approaching Retirement

To make sure the workshops are interactive, space is limited to 35 seats. They fill up quickly so register early to make sure you can attend the date(s) of your choice. If a workshop is full, you will be put on a waitlist and/or you may have the option of taking a workshop at an alternate location.

If you have further questions, please reach out to your client education program officers at the Pension Corporation at [email protected] or by phone at
250 356-8547 (Victoria) or 1 877 558-5573 (toll-free in BC).

In solidarity,
Scott DeLong
Component 8 vice-president