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COVID-19 update: Temporary Emergency Funding update for child care centres - BCGEU

As you may be aware, the provincial government recently announced an extension to the Temporary Emergency Funding (TEF) that would require any surplus funds to go toward additional compensation for Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) in eligible programs. Read the news release here. 

For the months of July and August, child care operators are required to use any surplus funds from the TEF for temporary wage top-ups and/or non-monetary compensation such as training toward ECE recertification.
This is a step in the right direction, but it is, quite simply, not enough. We will continue to advocate on your behalf to get the best possible compensation for you during the pandemic.
In the interim, we expect that employers will be assessing whether they have any surplus TEF monies and if they do, they should, as government has indicated, be asking ECEs for their input on how those funds should be spent. If you need support in providing this input, please contact your shop steward or, if not available, your area office, for support.
You continue to show great skill and dedication to the children and families for whom you provide care, learning, and support in this challenging time. The pandemic has underscored just how critical your work is, not only to the families and children you support, but to the entire BC economy.

We will continue to strongly advocate for pay that reflects your critical role in our communities.
Click on this link to show one of the compensation initiatives we have been supporting with our partners at the Coalition of Childcare Advocates of BC.
In solidarity,
Andrea Duncan,
Vice-President, Component 3