Are you a good problem solver? Do you care about the health and safety of you and your coworkers?
We need you to step up and become an occupational health & safety (OHS) rep. No prior experience is necessary and training and support will be provided.
One (1) OHS rep is needed at Inclusive Community Services.
Fill out this form here if you are interested in protecting the health and safety of you and your coworkers: https://ohs.bcgeu.ca/ohs_rep.
What do OHS reps do?
OHS reps attend a monthly safety meeting, and participate as equals in advocating on behalf of workers in health and safety matters at work. They ensure members are informed on workplace health and safety, and participate in inspections and recommendations to improve health and safety at the workplace. OHS reps work directly with the union or WorksafeBC when needed.
What skills do I need to be an OHS rep?
OHS reps are well-organized, good listeners, problem solvers and team players. They have good communication skills and want to help others. They care about health and safety.
Is there training for new OHS reps?
Yes! OHS reps are eligible for 8 hours of employer paid time to take OHS training every year by law. The BCGEU even provides joint training for both the employer and employee sides to participate in. We encourage reps to consider taking the union classes at their area union office.
How do I become an OHS rep?
Simply fill out this form here if you are interested in being appointed: https://ohs.bcgeu.ca/ohs_rep
OHS reps are fundamental to ensuring a workplace is safe for everyone in it. If you are committed to health and safety at your work, please consider putting your name forward and joining our team.
In solidarity,
Kate Banky, Local 301 Chairperson
Kathleen Mann, Staff Representative
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