Growing Together Tentative Agreement Ratification Vote Results - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Our bargaining committee is pleased to announce that 100% of members have voted YES to accept the tentative agreement with a turnout of about 100%. This means the new collective agreement is in full force.
We appreciate the engagement and support from the membership throughout this process.
The highlights of the new collective agreement include:

  • A base raise for 2023 of 0.75 cents per hour for all classifications and targeted increases as described below:
    • Senior ECE and ECE IT and/or Special Needs, will receive an additional $1.25 per hour.
    • ECE will receive an additional 0.75 cents per hour.
    • These increases will be retroactive to November 1st, 2023.
  • Enshrined the Health and Welfare Benefits plan into the collective agreement. Premiums are paid 80% by the employer and 20% by the worker.
  • In exchange for the Health and Welfare Benefits Plan we have agreed to remove the clothing allowance.
  • Expanding bereavement leave to include Family of Choice.
  • Agreed to strike joint committees to explore a pension plan and to increase vacation entitlement.
  • New language so that no wage rate is ever below minimum wage plus union dues.

The new collective agreement will expire on October 31, 2025 with a wage re-opener for November 2024 to re-examine wages and the work of the joint committees.
We will contact you once we have finalized the new collective agreement and notify you once copies are available. In the meantime, the document with the all the changes is attached.
We also hope that the employer will be able to process the retro payments and new wage increases as soon as they can.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact your bargaining committee or your Steward.
Remember we are stronger together!
In solidarity,
Lori Hamilton, Bargaining Committee Member
Danielle Unger, Bargaining Committee Member
Kathleen Mann, Staff Representative
P.S. Stay up to date on union news by signing into BCGEU's Member Portal. Access it with your login at or, if you haven't logged in before, you can sign up for an account here:

Download PDF of notice here

Download PDF of draft Collective Agreement here