Nominations are now open for following position which is vacant on the Local 2002 Executive:
- Member at Large
The role of the Member-at-Large is as follows:
- the number of positions is determined by the local bylaws;
- supports the local table officers as necessary;
- is assigned to tasks, committees as required by chair;
- this is a good “apprenticeship” position to learn more about the local and its activities and the union as a whole, for the possible future in running for other local positions;
- are often members representing different sectors within a local and ensure each sector has a voice at the local executive level;
- attends all meetings;
- leads and/or assists with M2M campaigns;
- leads and/or assists with Workplace Leadership objectives/initiatives
The nomination form is attached and must be filled out, signed by both the nominator and nominee and submitted by fax to the BCGEU North Island Area Office, 106-1650 Terminal Ave N, Nanaimo, BC V9S 0A3. Toll Free Fax: 1 800 946 0247 by the deadline. The deadline for nomination is 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 2, 2016.
If an election is required, all candidates may submit one page (8½" by 11") biography (e.g. union experience and why you would be a good candidate) for copying and distribution to members with ballots. This must be provided to the Area Office within one business day of the close of nominations is 5:00 pm Thursday, November 3, 2016.
Download PDF of nomination form here.
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