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Local 301 members - Interim Election Announcement for Local 301 Executive - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

We have 12 nominations in for the vacant Member-at-Large positions on the Local 301 executive. As we currently have only two (2) vacant positions and 11 candidates, we will be holding an election.

Our candidates for the Member-at-Large positions are:

Alex Brennan
Ash Vomacka (link to bio)
Chris Doberstein (link to bio)
Chrissy Wilson
Heidi Skadberg
Helen Chen
Mala Moulik (link to bio)
Monique Yuan (link to bio)
Selena Henderson
Tariro Murwira
Tina Aurelio

The voting period will commence on December 12, 2023 at noon and will close on Thursday, December 22, 2023 at 11:00 am.
How can I vote:

Voting will be done through an online voting system called Simply Voting. All members will receive electronic ballots via email on December 11th. Members will be able to select two candidates of their choice and any candidate statements will be linked in the ballot. Please check your junk/spam email folders! If you do not receive your ballot by December 14, 2023, please contact us at [email protected] or 250-388-9948. 
Before the balloting period opens, please check we have a current email address for you by signing into the Member Portal at This will ensure that you receive your ballot to vote.
What is the role of the Local Executive?
The purpose of the local is to unite all BCGEU members working in community-based social services on the South Island in a united, democratic workers' organization capable of acting collectively to advance our interests.
The goals are to: 

  • promote union activism and education amongst our members;
  • recruit and support a strong body of stewards and occupational health and safety representatives;
  • represent the interests and wishes of our members to the component executive;
  • liaise with other BCGEU locals, our district labour council(s) and other unions and organizations to advance the interests of our members.
  • be strong advocates for a holistic and publicly funded system of community-based social services and social care in British Columbia and Canada;
  • support members through good and welfare and other means;
  • promote social solidarity through our work and advocacy. 

For more information you can find our Local 301 bylaws here:
What are the duties of a Member-at-Large on the Local?
Member(s)-at-Large have a flexible range of duties and responsibilities. All Member(s)-at-Large are expected to attend executive meetings and general membership meetings. They also assist the local chairperson and table officers with duties and may chair committees as assigned by the local executive.
If you have any questions, please contact your current Local 301 Executive. You can find their names and contact information here:
In solidarity, 
Kate Banky, Local 301 Chair
Kathleen Mann, Staff Representative

Download PDF of notice here
Download PDF of bio for Ash Vomacka here
Download PDF of bio for Chris Doberstein here
Download PDF of bio for Mala Moulik here
Download PDF of bio for Monique Yuan here