At the close of the Convention Delegate election (February 9, 2024) we can now report out on the results of that election.
Local 501 had two (2) delegate spots for Convention, the Chairperson Shannon Dudley goes by right and automatically fills one (1) of the two (2) spots. The election results for the remaining Local 501 delegate seat is Shannon Butt.
In the event one or both of the delegates cannot make it, the alternate delegates are listed in order of election votes, as follows:
Stacey Riddle (Alternate 1)
Dan Fraser (Alternate 2)
Linden Ehrenberg-Smith (Alternate 3)
James Cossey (Alternate 4)
Congratulations to the delegates! Attending a BCGEU Convention is an amazing experience.
Thank you to the other nominees for putting their names forward and showing an interest in attending Convention.
In solidarity,
Shannon Dudley
Local 501 Chairperson
Sheila Knight
BCGEU Staff Representative
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