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Lower Mainland Society for Community Living - Classification and Wage Rate Implementation - BCGEU

Since our August 5th bulletin to members, we have completed the review of the job descriptions that were provided to the Union by the Employer. While we still have some outstanding issues related to specific individuals and positions, which we are continuing to work on, we notified the Employer that we expect all workers will move up to collective agreement wage rates by the next pay period, including retroactivity to July 2, 2020. The Employer has confirmed for CLBC funded positions, collective agreement wage rates will be implemented for the August 1 – 15 pay period. Retroactivity for CLBC funded positions is currently being calculated and we have been told if the calculations are not complete by this pay period, they will appear in the following pay period. To ensure that your wage rates have been appropriately calculated and reflect the correct step on the wage grid, please ensure that you monitor your pay cheques going forward. If there are any discrepancies you should contact your payroll department to seek further clarification. If you require further assistance, please contact a shop steward.

The Employer recently notified the Union that to date the Employer has not received an adjustment to funding to support the implementation of collective agreement wage rates and benefits for MCFD funded positions. They have advised the Union that this includes Support Worker Child and Youth, Support Worker Awake Night and Support Worker Asleep Night positions. Your Union finds this undue delay to be unacceptable and a violation of the provisions of the collective agreement. As such, your Union will be taking appropriate action in order to find a resolution to this issue.


In solidarity

Edward Mishra, Staff Representative
Amrita Sanford, Staff Representative - Classifications


Download PDF of notice here