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Members at McIntyre Care Home Ltd. Nominations for Steward (2 positions)

Nominations are now open for 2 positons for steward at McIntyre Care Home Ltd.

What do stewards do?
Stewards provide support and advice to members who think they are being treated unfairly. They sign up new employees and provide information on BCGEU services. Solve problems in the workplace. They conduct ratification votes and elections, and stewards keep members informed by distributing BCGEU information.

What skills do I need to be a steward?
Stewards are usually well-organized, good listeners, problem solvers and team players. They have good communication skills, and want to help others. Stewards are eligible for paid union leave from work to take steward training, and may take shorter courses in such topics as human rights, facing management, and communication.

If you are interested in becoming a steward, please have a co-worker fill out the attached nomination form to nominate you as a steward. The form must be faxed to 1-800-946-0247 or emailed to Nanaimo Area Office at [email protected] no later than 4:30 p.m. Friday, August 19, 2016.

In solidarity

Ernie Gorrie
Staff Representative

Download PDF of notice here

Download PDF of nomination form here