Call for Shop Stewards
Nominations are now open for 1 (one) steward position at your worksite and will close on Thursday, January 25, 2024.
Stewards are the primary representatives of members and have an important role within the Union.
Some of the roles of a steward are:
Helping co-workers interpret and understand their collective agreement.
Supporting co-workers in meetings with management.
Listening to co-workers about their issues.
Acting as a liaison between the worksite, the union local and the BCGEU's area offices.
Communicating about broader local issues and training opportunities within the union.
Making sure all co-workers are in the loop by updating the union bulletin board.
Referring members to committees on specific issues, such as the Joint Labour Management and Occupational Health and Safety Committees.
Feel free to visit the union's website for more information at https://www.bcgeu.ca/other_resources. The Union provides training for stewards to learn their new role.
Please fill out the attached nomination form and return it to the BCGEU Lower Mainland Area Office via regular mail, fax or email by 4:30 pm on Thursday, January 25, 2024:
BCGEU Lower Mainland Area Office - #130 - 2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver, BC V5M 0C4
Fax: 604-215-1410 |
Email: [email protected]
In solidarity
Jennifer Elkabbany, Local Chairperson
Romeena Sidhu, BCGEU Staff Representative
Download PDF of nomination form here
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