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Ministry of Mental Health & Addictions Article 29 Committee Members - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

We are pleased to share with you, the Ministry of Mental Health & Addictions Article 29 Committee Members:

                          Andrew Kerr, Committee Member Co-Chair        
                          Annahita Ehsan, Committee Member                     
                          Sarah MacKinnon, Committee Member      
Below is a copy of Article 29 from the Collective Agreement. If you have issues that you would like Article 29 Committee to discuss that fit within the scope of this article, please feel free to contact one of the committee members above.


29.1  Establishment of Joint Committee

There shall be established for each ministry, at least one joint committee composed of members equal in number, represented by the Employer and the Union to meet at the request of either party. The minimum size of this committee shall be two union representatives and two senior employer representatives, and the maximum size shall be four union representatives and four employer representatives. This committee is encouraged to call upon additional persons for technical information or advice. The Committee may establish subcommittees or ad hoc committees as it deems necessary and shall set guidelines and operating procedures for such committees. Employees appointed to the Joint Committee shall be from the Ministry concerned. Agendas for all meetings will be set two weeks in advance, except as otherwise agreed by the Co-Chairpersons.

29.2  Meetings of Committee

The Joint Committee shall meet at least once every 60 days or at the call of either party at a mutually agreeable time and place. Employees shall not suffer any loss of basic pay for time spent on this committee.

29.3  Chairperson of Committee

An employer representative and a union representative shall alternate in presiding over meetings.

29.4  Responsibilities of Committee

(a)   The Committee shall not have jurisdiction over wages or any other matter of collective bargaining, including the administration of this agreement. The Committee shall not supersede the activities of any other committee of the Union or of the Employer and shall not have the power to bind either the Union or its members or the Employer to any decisions or conclusions reached in their discussions.

(b)   In the event of any substantial re-organization in a ministry which results in redundancy, relocation or reclassification, the Committee shall meet in order for the Employer to consult with the Union.

(c)   Following a consultative and collaborative leadership approach, the Committee shall also have the power to make recommendations to the Union and the Employer on the following general matters:

(1)          reviewing matters, other than grievances, relating to the maintenance of good relations between the parties;

(2)          discussing issues relating to the workplace that affect the parties or any employee bound by this agreement;

(3)          correcting conditions causing grievances and misunderstanding;

(4)          reviewing ways in which the Employer can reduce workplace consumption of non-renewable and renewable resources, increase the amount of material that is reused in the workplace and implement recycling programs;

(5)          reviewing matters unresolved and referred to it by a Local Occupational Health and Safety Committee except where that local committee is comprised of representatives of more than one ministry. Upon receipt of such a referral the Ministry Committee Co-Chairpersons shall notify the Provincial Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee Co-Chairpersons. The committee may make recommendations regarding health and safety issues to the Provincial Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee. Those portions of ministry Joint Committee and Subcommittee minutes and/or other record of proceedings, which address occupational health and safety issues, shall be forwarded to the Co-Chairpersons of the Provincial Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee, or their designates;

(6)          reviewing organizational health issues relating to the recruitment and retention of employees;

(7)          making recommendations on the criteria for the approval of applications pursuant to Clause 20.8(e);

(8)          discussing opportunities to improve service to the public, which may include ministry contracting practices.

29.5  Dispute Resolution

Issues unresolved at the Ministry Joint Committee may be referred by mutual agreement to the Public Service Bargaining Principals.

In solidarity,

Amēna Cleveland, Staff Representative, Victoria Area Office
P.S. Stay up to date on union news by signing into BCGEU’s Member Portal. Access it with your login at or, if you haven’t logged in before, you can sign up for an account here:

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