Nomination for Local 2010 Executive

Nominations are now open for the following vacant positions on your Local Executive:

To date, your Local Executive is as follows:


  • Chair                                              VACANT
  • 1st Vice Chair                                   Adam Hughes
  • 2nd Vice Chair                               VACANT
  • Treasurer                                       VACANT
  • Recording Secretary                         Amanda Fraser
  • Member at Large(5 positions)      Dax Bourke
                                                         Ken McLean
                                                         Noella Valliere
                                                         Hack Waldon
                                                         VACANT(1 position)                                                                                                    
  • Member at Large Young Worker         Kirsten Bitor


Information on the responsibilities and activities of each office is attached and is also available from your Area Office. Please find a nomination form also attached.

Your nomination must be dropped off, emailed, faxed, or mailed as an attachment to the Fort St. John Area Office. The deadline for nominations is:    February 3, 2017 @ 5:00PM


BCGEU Area Office
10251 – 100th Street
Fort St. John, BC
V1J 3Y8
Phone:  250-785-6185 Toll Free: 1-800-667-0788
Fax: 250-785-0048 Toll Free: 1-800-946-0255


If there is an election for a position, candidates may submit one page of information  (8-1/2 x 11, black and white) for distribution to members with ballots.  This must be received within one business day of the close of nominations.


Download PDF of notice here

Download PDF of nomination form here

