Nomination for Local 512 Executive

Nominations are now open for the following positions on the Local Executive:

  • 2nd Vice Chairperson
  • Treasurer
  • Recorder
  • Member at Large (2)
  • Young Worker Representative

The term is three years. Information on the responsibilities and activities for each position is attached.

The deadline for nominations is: Monday August 15th, 2016 by 5:00pm. Any nominations received after the deadline will not be accepted. All forms must be filled out completely, including signature of nominee and the nominator. 

Completed forms must be mailed, faxed or emailed as an attachment to the Northwest Area Office located at #102-4710 Lazelle Avenue, Facsimile: 250.635.3588/1.800.946.0259 or via email to [email protected]

If there is an election for a position, candidates may submit one page of information  (8-1/2 x 11, black and white) for distribution to members with ballots. This must be received within one business day of the close of close of nominations.

Download PDF of nomination form here.

Download PDF of local roles & responsibilities here.