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Online employee wellness resource – COVID-19 update, Component 7 - BCGEU

To assist school districts in making resources available to employees, the BC Public School Employers' Association (BCPSEA) has negotiated a limited time partnership with LifeSpeak on Demand (LifeSpeak). LifeSpeak is an online library of streaming and downloadable video training modules with renowned experts speaking on a range of health, family, wellness, and professional development topics.

Through to the end of August 2020, this partnership provides all 60 public school districts with FULL ACCESS to the online services and supports offered by LifeSpeak at no cost.

LifeSpeak can be accessed at; Client password: lifespeak 

The BC Centre for Disease Control has also published this useful guide for social service providers on the prevention and control of COVID-19:

If you have specific questions about COVID-19, please send your inquiries to [email protected]. If you want to review current information from the BCGEU on COVID-19 please go to our information hub at

In solidarity,
Cindy Battersby
Component 7 Vice-President