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Pooh Corner Day Care Centre Society - Bargaining Committee Nominations – Two (2) Positions - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

As the collective agreement with your Employer expires on March 31, 2024, we are preparing for the upcoming round of collective bargaining.

The Union needs your help and participation in the preparations of the bargaining process. The first step is to elect a Union bargaining committee who will negotiate the new Collective Agreement with the Employer's bargaining committee. You will need to elect two (2) bargaining committee members.

Attached to this notice is a nomination form for the bargaining committee member positions. Should there be more nominations than positions available, the Union will conduct an election.

Nominations for the bargaining committee positions must be received by the BCGEU Lower Mainland Area Office no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, March 4, 2024 by email at [email protected] or mail to the Lower Mainland Area Office, 130– 2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver, BC, V5M 0C4.

The Bargaining Committee will work with the BCGEU Staff Representatives in negotiating the new Collective Agreement. The Union will provide bargaining training to the members of the bargaining committee; your Collective Agreement allows for Union-paid leave for bargaining purposes.

We will also be preparing proposals that we will present to the Employer. We will send out a following communication with an attached bargaining questionnaire over the next few weeks. All members are encouraged to take the time to provide input.

In solidarity

Katie Smith, Staff Representative
Guneet Anand, Staff Representative


Download PDF of bulletin here

Download PDF of nomination form here