How can residential care be provided in ways that respect the needs of seniors, families, workers and managers? Join the BC Health Coalition and the CCPA at this free public forum to hear about ideas and concrete examples of promising practices found in Canada and other countries.
Monday February 22, 2016
Vancouver Public Library
Central Branch – Alice MacKay Room
350 W. Georgia St, Vancouver
9:30 AM to 1:00PM
Lunch provided. Vegetarian and vegan options will be available. Sorry we cannot take special meal requests.
This event is free of charge, but registration is required.
For more information or to register, visit:
Speakers include:
DR MARGARET McGREGOR, UBC Dept of Family Practice, Community Geriatrics
CAROLYN UNSWORTH, Hospital Employees’ Union
CHRIS MORISSEY, community advocate
DR MEGAN J. DAVIES, York University
DANNY LEE, community outreach worker
ISOBEL MACKENZIE, BC’s Seniors Advocate, will comment as a respondent and talk about what her office is doing in the area of residential care.
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