An Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Committee is made up of worker and employer representatives working together to promote health and safety in the workplace. While the Employer is ultimately responsible for safety at work – we all have a role to play.
WorkSafeBC regulations require that every workplace with 20 or more employees must have an OHS Committee. The Union appoints half of these committee members to serve as worker representatives.
We have vacant positions for Community Health Workers (CHW1 or CHW2). Will you consider becoming a member of the OHS Committee at Three Bridges. Training will be provided.
>> Let us know here if you are interested in becoming an OHS rep.
Joining a JOHS committee is a great way to make a difference in your workplace, access training, and build new skills. Plus, all the committee work and training is paid time that is part of your work duties. Each year you are entitled to take 8 hours of additional OHS Training without any loss of pay.
OHS committees meet monthly, and you may be called on at other times to conduct inspections and/or participate in incident investigations.
Please consider stepping up to be a BCGEU OHS rep in your workplace – you are needed!
Reminder: If you are dealing with an unsafe condition or hazard at work, you should immediately report it to your Supervisor and OHS Committee Representative. For more information about reporting unsafe work visit the WorkSafeBC website here.
In solidarity,
Masoud Aminzavvar, Chairperson-Local 803
Jacqueline (Jackie) McGuire, Staff Representative
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