Salvation Army Victoria - ARC: It's time to nominate your Bargaining Committee - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Your collective agreement will expire on March 31, 2024. It is that time again to elect a bargaining committee to negotiate your next collective agreement to improve your working conditions which includes issues such as wages, vacation, workload and more.

A Call for Nominations is now open and will remain open for 30 days. Three (3) positions are available for the committee. Attached please find a nomination form for those that are interested in being on the bargaining committee.

You may nominate a member for the committee by filling out the attached nomination form and submitting it by:

  1. Mailing to the BCGEU Victoria office (2994 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, V8T 4N4); or
  2. Faxing it to 250-384-8060; or
  3. Emailing it to [email protected]

Deadline for submission of nomination forms is Thursday, January 4, 2024

What is the role of the Bargaining Committee?

The Bargaining Committee is elected to represent your collective voice and interests with your employer. They do this by coming up with proposals to improve the working conditions at your workplace.

Anyone who is a union member can be nominated to be on the bargaining committee.

How does the Bargaining Committee come up with proposals?

From you! It is important to hear from every member of the bargaining unit before negotiations begin. A bargaining questionnaire or survey is a framework for members to give input on issues that are important to members to be negotiated for the next collective agreement.

Please keep an eye out on your email inbox for the survey.

What happens next?

In the event that more than three (3) nominations are received, an election will occur with further details to follow. 

Please note that your current collective agreement will remain in full force and effect while the bargaining process is underway. You can find a copy of the current collective agreement here

In solidarity,

Kathleen Mann, Staff Representative

P.S. Stay up to date on union news by signing into BCGEU's Member Portal. Access it with your login at or, if you haven't logged in before, you can sign up for an account here:

Download a PDF of this notice here

Download a PDF of the nomination form here