Union Meeting - Important Weather Notice - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

COMPONENT: Community Social Services
LOCAL:            301
DATE:              January 18, 2024
TIME:              6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
PLACE:            Hybrid: BCGEU Victoria Office
                      (Please use our back entrance/parking lot at 588 Burnside Rd E)/ Via Zoom




This meeting will be held by Zoom only due to the inclement weather and the Victoria Area Office closing for the remainder of today, January 18th.

This is a reminder that on January 18th, you are invited to our first townhall meeting of 2024!

Here is the Zoom link for the meeting: https://bcgeu.zoom.us/j/89839734420

Meeting ID: 8983973 4420

At this meeting we will be catching up on what has been happening in our local area at different worksites and with different employers. If you have any questions or concerns about things in your worksite, please bring them along.

At this Townhall we will also be working on writing resolutions to bring forward to the BCGEU triennial convention in early June. Resolutions are written submission that propose could propose changes, advocacy ideas, internal projects to pursue and many more options on how we the workers, want to direct out union.

The Convention is a gathering of elected delegates from across the province where resolutions are passed to direct the union over the next three years. Convention is also the place where we elect our Executive Vice Presidents, Treasurer and President.  Resolutions area great way to bring forward changes we would like our union to make and campaigns to take forward. Resolution writing is one of the best ways to get active in our union.


  • Welcomes and introductions.
  • Resolution writing and sharing.
  • Open period for questions and sharing of news and wins.

Snacks and drinks will be provided for the in person portion!



In solidarity,


You Local 301 Executive:

Kate Banky, Chairperson
Brian Calderwood, First Vice-Chairperson
John Manthorpe, Second Vice-Chairperson
Marina Bazalitskaya, Treasurer
Peter Janz, Recording Secretary
Taryn Cassidy, Member at Large
Meghan Blackburn, Member at Large
Kaitlin Zeemel, Member at Large Equity
Natalie Baker, Young Worker
Kathleen Mann, Staff Represent



Download PDF of notice here