Vancity Savings Credit Union - VANCITY BARGAINING UPDATE - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

We are making good progress on building proposals for when we sit down across from the Employer to negotiate your renewal collective agreement. A reminder that until the renewal agreement is ratified the current collective agreement remains in full force and effect including any step increases to which a member is entitled pursuant to Article 22, Salary Policy.

Thank you to all of you who completed the recent bargaining survey. Those results combined with member outreach, one-on-one conversations and site visits have allowed us to begin to identify your key priorities. It is clear that so far, those are benefits and wages. It is also clear that the pension matter remains a live issue. But we want to get this right and are therefore continuing with our outreach efforts including, the formation of a Contract Action Team (CAT).

The CAT will be tasked with communicating with a set group of workers within a branch or department to make sure that are they fully informed and engaged in bargaining. It is our hope that between the bargaining committee and CAT, workers will be able to quickly and easily find out what is happening at any point in time. Attached to this bulletin are the CAT members and their areas of responsibility. If your branch or department is not identified, please contact another CAT member who is known to you. Alternatively, feel free to reach out to one of us.

We are committed to ongoing communication to ensure transparency and information sharing about bargaining. We will continue to reach out as necessary to ensure that you are kept current with developments. In the interim, should you have any questions feel free to reach out to one of us or to the CAT member assigned to your branch or department.

If you know a BCGEU member who didn't receive this bulletin, please forward it to them. If you are a BCGEU member who didn't receive the bulletin directly, please update your email address with your Union by logging into the Member Portal here. If you know a BCGEU member who didn't get this bulletin, please send them a copy. They should log on to the MY BCGEU member give or update their email address. Go to to create an account.

In solidarity,

Samantha Moskie, Bargaining Committee Chairperson
Susan Adams, Bargaining Committee Member
Andrew Becket, Bargaining Committee Member
Jason Lin, Bargaining Committee Member
Melissa Maan, Bargaining Committee Member
Norman Mah, Bargaining Committee Member
Zoe Towle, Staff Representative - Negotiations

Download PDF of bulletin here

Download Vancity CAT mbrs & assignments here