Your bargaining committee for VSOCC continued negotiations with the employer on January 15th. By the end of that day, the parties had reached agreement on a total of 23 non-monetary proposals. Approximately six non-monetary proposals are outstanding, one of which the parties may discuss further at the next bargaining session, and the other five of which are at impasse. Monetary negotiations will begin when the parties next meet.
The bargaining session scheduled for January 17th was cancelled due to inclement weather. We have rescheduled it for February 23rd and scheduled an additional day of bargaining for March 1st.
Thank you for your patience and support throughout this lengthy process. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to an elected member of your bargaining committee.
In solidarity,
Jasna Lugonjic, Bargaining Committee Member
Charlotte Mangilit, Bargaining Committee Member
Ryan Stewart, Staff Representative, Negotiations Department
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