Click here for info on Bargaining 2025


Component 17 includes members in a variety of sectors in B.C.

They are employed by casinos, hotels, banks, credit unions, B.C. Place, B.C. Housing Management, some Royal Canadian Legion operations, B.C. Milk Marketing Board, Compass Foods, regional districts plus private businesses.


August 18, 2016

Cariboo Regional District Employees election results - bargaining committee

The results of the election for the two remaining positions for the Bargaining Committee for this round have been determined.  The complete committee is as follows: Arnold Jenner – Bargaining Committee Chairperson Genny Hilliard – Bargaining Committee Member Tracy Bartsch – Bargaining Committee Member Jody Stratton – Alternate Bargaining Committee Member Christine Peters – Staff Representative...

August 18, 2016

Checking In – Facts About Your Union

With September fast approaching, the Union thought it would be a good time to check in with our members at River Rock Casino, and update you all on some recent goings on. Recently it has been brought to the attention of the Union that some Employer representatives may have been making comments to members about the Union that are simply not true. Misinformation leads to the spreading of rumors,...

August 18, 2016

Public Service Pension Plan - Fall 2016 Member Seminars

An update from the BC Pension Corporation: The fall schedule for the Public Service Pension Plan free member seminars is now posted on the website with seminars offered across BC.   Seminars Your Pension, Your Future It is important for new and mid-career employees to know how decisions made today can affect your retirement pension in the years to come. In this seminar, Y...

August 17, 2016

Local 1708 Members elections for bargaining committee/labour management commi...

The BCGEU is holding elections for 3 Bargaining Committee members and 1 alternate. Those elected to the Bargaining Committee will also become the members on the Labour Management Committee. Candidate statements are attached for those candidates who provided them. Please vote for a maximum of 4 members. The 3 members with the most votes will become elected, the 4th member will become the alterna...

August 16, 2016

OH&S Committee Changes

Improving the Effectiveness of Occupational Health and Safety Committees   Public hearings have been scheduled by Worksafe BC on proposed regulatory changes, including proposed changes to joint health and safety committees.   New sections of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation related to joint committees are: 3.26, Rights and Responsibilities, evaluation for joint committees 3.2...

August 16, 2016

Vancity Branch 30 Steward Nominations

To:                   All BCGEU Members at Vancity Branch 30 (Guildford) Re:                   Steward Nominations (1 position & 1 alternate)   Please be advised that nominations are being opened for two stewards at your worksite.   Should we receive more nominations than positions available, an election will occur.   Nomination forms must be received at the Fraser Valley Area Office b...

August 09, 2016

Hard Rock Update on Bargaining Committee Elections

To:                   All BCGEU Members at Hard Rock Casino Re:                  Update on Bargaining Committee Elections   The election for Bargaining Committee Chairperson is now complete, and the successful candidate is Darko Petrovski. Congratulations to Brother Darko, and thanks to all the members who accepted the nomination for this important position. The election for departmental r...

August 05, 2016

Vancity 44 Occupational Health and Safety Representative

If you are interested in becoming an Occupational Health and Safety Representative at your worksite, please email [email protected] with your name and contact information.   The deadline to submit your interest is Thursday, August 25, 2016.   Training will be provided by the Union.   In solidarity Marceline Lamarche Staff Representative   Download PDF of notice here    UNIFOR467/MoveUP

August 05, 2016

Vancity 44 Joint Labour Management Committee Nominations

Please be advised that nominations are now open for one (1) Joint Labour Management Committee position and one (1) alternate position at your worksite. Please see the attached nomination form. Nomination forms must be received at the Fraser Valley Area Office by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6, 2016. Should we receive more nominations than positions available, an election will occur.   Co...

August 05, 2016

Vancity 44 Steward Nominations

Welcome to the BCGEU! Please be advised that nominations are now open for two (2) Stewards at your worksite. Please see the attached nomination form.   Nomination forms must be received at the Fraser Valley Area Office by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6, 2016. Should we receive more nominations than positions available, an election will occur.   Completed nomination forms may be faxed to ...

August 05, 2016

Vancity 44 Union Meeting Notice

DATE:    Thursday, August 11, 2016 TIME:     5:30 p.m. PLACE:   Tasty Indian Bistro - 8295 120 St. Delta   AGENDA   The Union would like to welcome you and answer any questions you may have. As well, we will be discussing the following topics at this meeting: Stewards Joint Labour Management Committee Occupational Health and Safety Committee Bargaining Collective Agreement Worksite...

August 05, 2016

Forensic Psychiatric Hospital Members - Refuse Unsafe Work

BCGEU members that work at the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Coquitlam continue to face unacceptable levels of violence and risk of serious injury. Our members were directed by the employer to release patients from seclusion rooms in spite of contrary advice by the care team. The patients were secluded due to incidents of violence against other patients and workers. They were still exhibitin...

July 28, 2016

2 Day Joint OHS Committee Training

"2 Day Joint OHS Committee Training" will be held on Tuesday August 9th and Wednesday August 10th. This course will be held at the BCGEU area office, 8555 - 198A Street Langley from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm each day. In the Joint OHS Committee Training course you will learn: Worker OHS rights, including the refusal of unsafe work procedure OHS legislation Roles and responsibilities of employers,...

July 27, 2016

Lake View Credit Union bargaining update

Sisters and Brothers: On behalf of your Bargaining Committee, we would like to thank you for attending last night's ratification meeting. The discussions and questions were very good. We have appreciated your patience and solidarity throughout this process. The tentative agreement was accepted by the bargaining unit. The Union has informed your Employer that we consider the new agreement in f...

July 26, 2016

Members At Hard Rock Casino Bargaining Unit Chair Election Biographies and Pi...

The elections for the position of Bargaining Unit Chair is scheduled as follows:  •    Thursday August 4th – 10:00 am to 10:00 pm  •    Friday August 5th – 10:00 am to 10:00 pm  Attached are the submitted biographies from candidates running for Chairperson.   Balloting will take place in the BCGEU RV (see photo below), parked in the Motion Canada parking lot, located at Hartley and Schooner S...

July 25, 2016

1703 Vancity Savings Credit Union Visa Centre Steward Nomination

Nominations are now open for 1 position for a steward at your worksite and, will close August 18, 2016. Stewards are the primary representatives of members and have an important role within the Union.   Some of the roles of a steward are: Helping co-workers interpret and understand their collective agreement. Supporting co-workers in meetings with management. Listening to co-workers abo...