Component 8 includes members who provide health services in our communities.

They work in home support, drug and alcohol treatment centres, adult day care, detox and emergency shelters, women's clinics, services to seniors, mental health group homes, regional health units and other community-based health services.


September 12, 2016

BC Makes Little Progress on Public Service Diversity Gap

Visible minorities and Indigenous people are still dramatically underrepresented in the B.C. public service, according to the province’s latest report on workforce diversity. Read more...

September 12, 2016

Survey on regulating health care workers

To members of Component 4 and Component 8, The BCGEU has learned recently the three bodies that regulate nurses in B.C. are going to merge into one. We are concerned that this large organization will eventually regulate other health care workers, such as care aides and community health workers, without hearing their voices. Your union would like to be involved in developing this regulating b...

September 09, 2016

BC Federation of Labour Women's Health & Safety in the Workplace Course

To:       To all Occupational Health and Safety Committee Representatives in Area 03                and Local Chairs Re:       BC Federation of Labour Women's Health & Safety in the Workplace   The “Women’s Health and Safety in the Workplace” course will be offered at the Lower Mainland area office at Suite #130 - 2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver on Wednesday October 19, 2016 from 9:00 am to 4...

September 09, 2016

VIHA Comparability Increases

To:         Health Services and Support Community Subsector Members              Working for Vancouver Island Health Authority Re:        Comparability Increases   The Union has been receiving inquiries from members working for VIHA regarding when the comparability increases will be implemented.  The increases should have been implemented within two pay periods of the Employers being notifi...

September 08, 2016

Local 807 meeting

DATE: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 TIME: 5:30 p.m. PLACE: BCGEU Kelowna Area Office             1064 Borden Avenue, Kelowna, BC  V1Y 6A8 AGENDA 1.    Addressing member issues 2.    BCGEU Home Support Campaign 3.    Upcoming activities and events Conference call options are available if you are unable to attend in person. Please call the Kelowna Office in advance of the meeting to obtain the ...

September 06, 2016

Local 801 Union Meeting

COMPONENT:   Community Health Services         LOCAL:   801 ESL Members           DATE:   September 28, 2016           TIME:   6:00 pm – 9:00 pm         PLACE:   BCGEU Office, 2994 Douglas Street (Auditorium)     PARKING:   Available in our lower parkade off of Douglas Street or the large parking lot                               behind the Union Hall off Burnside Road   AGENDA Your Local 80...

September 04, 2016

Celebrating Labour Day 2016

As long, sunny days shorten and cooler weather begins , Labour Day offers us time to reflect on the summer that is drawing to a close. For those of us in the labour movement it’s also a time to reflect on the state of working people in our union community. Looking back on the last year, it’s amazing to see the progress BCGEU members have made since last year’s celebrations.  We’ve grown tre...

September 02, 2016

Local 803 General Membership Meeting

LOCAL:      803 General Membership Meeting Notice   DATE:      Thursday, September 22, 2016    TIME:      6:00pm to 9:00pm  PLACE:      Lower Mainland Area Office – Squamish Room                  Suite #130 – 2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver              MEETING AGENDA Deb Wilson will be our first speaker on her recent work on the Union's Comparability increase announcement on July 26. The nine c...

September 02, 2016

BCGEU makes a submission to the provincial Select Standing Committee on Health

At the end of July, the BCGEU made a submission to the provincial government's Select Standing Committee on Health. Parliamentary Committees request submissions periodically, and we ensure the concerns of our members are taken directly to government. In this submission, we call for "increased funding and scope for public home support, implementation of the Ombudsperson’s recommendations on seni...

September 01, 2016

Community subsector collective agreement - calculation of employee seniority

Under the Community Subsector Collective Agreement seniority is to be accrued by straight-time hours paid as defined in Clause 11.1 Seniority Defined. However, there are groups within the Community Bargaining Association (CBA) who have continued to accrue seniority by date of hire.  During the last three rounds of bargaining the Health Employers' Association of BC (HEABC) and the Employers prop...

August 25, 2016

Defend Public Health Care - help fight Brian Day's push for privatization

September 15, 2016 Update: The organization Sum of Us will be delivering a petition, calling for Day to stop the Charter Challenge, to the courthouse in Vancouver on Tuesday, September 20th at 11am. It would be great if there could people there to support them - they would like individuals to be there as the petition represents thousands of signatories. September 9, 2016 Update: The BC Healt...

August 23, 2016

Local 812 Members - Nomination for Vacant Local Executive Positions

Nominations are now open for the following vacant positions on your Local Executive:  1st Vice Chairperson 2nd Vice Chairperson      Member-at-Large (2 positions)  Information on the responsibilities and activities of each position is available from your Area Office. The deadline for nominations is: Thursday September 22nd, 2016 by 5:00pm. Any nominations received after the deadline wi...

August 22, 2016

Make your voice heard on seniors’ issues

Please join NDP Leader John Horgan and BC New Democrat MLAs for a seniors forum in Vancouver to hear concerns and issues that seniors are facing when accessing government services, programs and supports. When: August 30th, 2:00 pm Where: Polish Community Centre, 4015 Fraser St, Vancouver Who: New Democrat Leader, John Horgan, with MLAs Selina Robinson and Judy Darcy Click here for full de...

August 22, 2016

Living Well Home Care Services Bargaining Update

To:        All BCGEU Members at Living Well Home Care Services Inc. Re:        Bargaining Update   Your Bargaining Committee is continuing negotiations for your first Collective Agreement.   We have met with the Employer on multiple dates through the spring and summer. We are discussing non-monetary provisions and are making good progress.   If you have any issues or concerns please conta...

August 22, 2016

SafeCare BC Education & Training Survey

SafeCare BC is an industry funded safety association that will provide health and safety initiatives for community health and social service workers that work in the private sector. BCGEU activists and staff have worked collaboratively with SafeCare BC to develop the needs survey below. We encourage you to take a few minutes to answer the survey questions as it will help to identify the educat...