Component 3 includes members who work in community social services.

These caring professionals provide supports, services, and resources to vulnerable families and individuals across the province. They include supporting adults and children with developmental disabilities, women and children fleeing violence, youth-at-risk, child care, community justice services, Indigenous services, and employment services, among others. With over 15,000 workers in the sector, BCGEU is the largest community social services union in B.C.


September 12, 2016

Local 301 Stewards Event

To:     All BCGEU Local 301 Stewards Re:     A Whole Day Just for Local 301 Stewards!   Bring your Questions!  Build Your Skills!  Have Fun! Don't you deserve a day to feel appreciated for the work you do representing your co-workers as a BCGEU steward? How would you like to come and spend the day with other Local 301 stewards and your Local 301 Executive to talk about and problem solve t...

September 12, 2016

BC Makes Little Progress on Public Service Diversity Gap

Visible minorities and Indigenous people are still dramatically underrepresented in the B.C. public service, according to the province’s latest report on workforce diversity. Read more...

September 12, 2016

Local 309 meeting

DATE: September 21, 2016 TIME: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. PLACE: Community First Health Co-op Building            518 Lake Street, Nelson All Local 309 members who work and/or live in Nelson are invited to attend a Local 309 Meet and Greet being held at the Community First Health Co-op Building in Nelson on September 21, 2016. Come and meet other members in your Local and enjoy some food and bever...

September 09, 2016

BC Federation of Labour Women's Health & Safety in the Workplace Course

To:       To all Occupational Health and Safety Committee Representatives in Area 03                and Local Chairs Re:       BC Federation of Labour Women's Health & Safety in the Workplace   The “Women’s Health and Safety in the Workplace” course will be offered at the Lower Mainland area office at Suite #130 - 2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver on Wednesday October 19, 2016 from 9:00 am to 4...

September 08, 2016

Local 302 OH&S Strategy Session

You are invite to the Local 302 Networking Strategy Session. It is preferable, but not mandatory, that you have the 1-Day OH&S Training prior to the networking session. The session will be held on: DATE: Friday, October 14, 2016 TIME: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. LOCATION: BCGEU North Island Area Office                    106-1650 Terminal Ave N, Nanaimo, BC  V9S 0A2 The sessions will focus ...

September 08, 2016

Local 302 Enhanced Steward Training

To:      All BCGEU Local 302 Stewards Re:      1-Day ENHANCED STEWARD TRAINING   Bring your Questions!  Build Your Skills!  Have Fun! Don’t you deserve a day to feel appreciated for the work you do representing your co-workers as a BCGEU Steward. Did you know that you have an entire group of people with Union experience and expertise who want to help/mentor you in your steward role? How...

September 06, 2016

Forest Circle Society Bargaining Committee Nominations

To:            Forest Circle Society BCGEU Members   Re:            Nominations for Bargaining Committee A bargaining committee is required for the next round of Bargaining. Nominations are now open for three positions on the Bargaining Committee:  two bargaining committee members and one alternate. A member may be nominated for either position or for both positions. The Bargaining Committee...

September 04, 2016

Celebrating Labour Day 2016

As long, sunny days shorten and cooler weather begins , Labour Day offers us time to reflect on the summer that is drawing to a close. For those of us in the labour movement it’s also a time to reflect on the state of working people in our union community. Looking back on the last year, it’s amazing to see the progress BCGEU members have made since last year’s celebrations.  We’ve grown tre...

August 31, 2016

McIntyre Care Home Ltd. Nominations for Shop Steward (1 position)

Nominations are now open  for a shop steward at McIntyre Care Home Ltd. What do stewards do? Stewards provide support and advice to members who think they are being treated unfairly. They sign up new employees and provide information on BCGEU services. Solve problems in the workplace. They conduct ratification votes and elections, and stewards keep members informed by distributing BCGEU infor...

August 26, 2016

Local 302 McIntyre Care Home Steward List

To:         All Local 302 BCGEU Members at McIntyre Care Home Ltd. Re:         Steward List for Local 302   Please note the name of your Steward.  Feel free to contact her with any Union related questions or concerns you may have.                       Debbie Kielbiski           McIntyre Care Home   Nanaimo   Please join us in congratulating Debbie Kielbiski as the new Steward for Local ...

August 25, 2016

Mission Association for Community Living Steward/Contact Information

Please be advised that following the recent steward nomination process, the following members have been acclaimed: Desiree Bracey                 phone:  604.807.1367             email:  [email protected] Margaret Farquhar            phone:  604.832.2059             email:  [email protected] As well, Tara Webb remains as a steward. Tara Webb                      phone: 604.556.6695   ...

August 25, 2016

Langley Association for Community Living Steward Nominations

To:                 All BCGEU Members at Langley Association for Community Living Re:                Steward Nominations – four positions   Please be advised there are vacancies for four steward positions to represent members at Langley Association for Community Living. Please find attached nomination form. Completed nomination forms are to be returned to the union no later than 5:00 p.m., ...

August 23, 2016

Local 312 Members - Nomination for Vacant Local Executive Position

Nominations are now open for the following vacant position on your Local Executive:  Equity Member-at-Large: To qualify for the Equity Member-at-Large the candidate must self-identify in at least one of the following criteria:     Aboriginal worker     Worker with a disability     Worker of colour     Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender worker Further information on the responsib...

August 22, 2016

SafeCare BC Education & Training Survey

SafeCare BC is an industry funded safety association that will provide health and safety initiatives for community health and social service workers that work in the private sector. BCGEU activists and staff have worked collaboratively with SafeCare BC to develop the needs survey below. We encourage you to take a few minutes to answer the survey questions as it will help to identify the educat...